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ALAIN FREYMOND, Business mir #12 - 2008-09 MAIL PRINT 
BBGI Group is a unique independent wealth management firm, which has distinguished itself since its creation by making its strong institutional expertise available to private investors.
Since its creation, BBGI Group has been dedicated to exclusive global wealth management for a demanding institutional and private clientele. In a world in which most financial services were provided vertically within the same bank, BBGI Group proposed from the very beginning a unique alternative and an efficient model based on optimization of specialized partners in each of their areas of expertise. Such organization brought greater transparency and, above all, better global service to our clientele, who didn’t have to worry about conflicts of interest inherent in traditional integrated structures.
Our strong fundamental principles clearly defined our identity and helped to cast BBGI Group as one of the most important independent wealth managers in Switzerland.
Since 1985, our partners have ensured the management and continuity of relations with their clientele. An organisation with a human size, focused on respect for its clients, assures that clients’ investment constraints are always fully taken into account, enabling us to propose a truly tailor made approach in wealth management.
In terms of organisation, when entrusting a discretionary asset management mandate to BBGI Group, our clients can select their independent custodian bank. This means that the powers relating to the movements of funds into and out of the account reside solely with the client.
BBGI’s powers over the account relate solely to how the assets are managed. This structure is an additional guarantee of security and trust.
Three principles are often mentioned as the main supporting elements for the quality of our approach. Optimisation of competencies is the first, providing access to the best research resources and products used to implement our investment strategy in accordance with clients’ constraints and objectives. Second is an investment philosophy favouring tactical asset allocation as one of the greatest sources of added value and positive performance. Last, but not least, is the freedom to combine various investment styles and choose those most adapted to the current financial situation.
Thanks to these principles our clients clearly enjoy conditions in which they can trust our commitment: first, to preserve their fortune from any financial turmoil, and only then to make it grow when risk is rewarded by an appreciable expected return.
These are the reasons why our clients believe BBGI GROUP is a unique partner capable of directly answering all of their concerns in wealth management.
BBGI Group Rue Sigismond Thalberg no 2, 1201Geneva - Switzerland T: +41 22 595 96 11, F: +41 22 595 96 12 E-mail:, Internet:
ALAIN FREYMOND, Business mir #12 - 2008-09  MAIL PRINT 
Бизнес мир снова в деле!
2023-10-08 11:42:18 
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