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Samuel Schmid, Business mir #9 - 2008-01 MAIL PRINT 
The Russian marketplace has promising perspectives for Zürich’s economy. Medical clinics, as well as the building and tourist industries are being heavily promoted in Moscow.
On 11th September, a delegation comprising 70 businesswomen and businessmen, headed by the president of Zürich’s State Council Rita Fuhrer, made the trip to Moscow. Supported by Swiss pioneers on the Russian market, like the king of silk Andi Stutz, her goal was tomake the promotion of Zürich’s economic area.
The development of large fortunes in Russia, due in particular to the rise of the price of raw materials, has aroused keen interests and Zürich intends to get its share of the cake. Ranging from formal discussions to receptions, the trip, initiated by Switzerland’s ambassador to Russia, seems to be paying off. Sonia Wollkopf fromGreater Zurich Area (GZA) who herself was amember of the journey, is optimistic: “We have made many new contacts. We are presently negotiating with financial, IT and medical companies”. Whether it is aeronautics, building, health or tourism, the rich Russian clientele attracts all areas and Zürich’s economy is making the most of it.
Let’s take a look at the numbers: 7% annual GDP growth, 13 billion dollars worth of import expert between Switzerland and Russia in 2006.
“Zürich instead of London and New York” was the title of a plea from Viktor Vekselberg published on 2nd October in the NZZ. “Switzerland is the perfect economic centre in the middle of Europe.
It offers an ideal environment where one can find qualified workers and meet highly professional partners in the areas of finance, judicial assistance and consulting” Consequently, several sectors are daring to breakthrough or are already developing on the Russian market. In 2006, nearly 50’000 Russians visited the city of Zwingli: a 24%growth compared to 2005. One also sees a 20%growth for the first semester of 2007. Ester Grob, who is in charge of Russia for Zürich Tourism, notes that it’s above all a high-class clientele that comes to shop or to benefit from the nightlife. “But one observes in particular an increase in middle-class visitors and I consider this as a huge potential for development”.
The cultural offer is not the only area that attracts Russian customers. “The wellness and medical sectors are also among their centres of interest”, continues Ester Grob. On 14th September, the “Swiss Health Forum” took place in Moscow: there, one could essentially find on show clinics from the region of Zürich offering to treat a rich clientele’s smaller and bigger scratches. It’s once again in the economical capital that one finds the two main companies concerned with the medical support of luxury clients: Swixmed and Medip. Situated on the prestigious Tverskaya Boulevard “Medicina”, a private Russian clinic even received the label “Swiss leading hospitals”. It guarantees an initial check-up before a medical intervention in Switzerland as well as the follow-up of patients on the spot in Moscow. The medical world is already rubbing its hands! “We estimate that the Russian market for this sector represents 1.5 billion dollars a year”, confirms Jan Sobhani from Swixmed to the Tages Anzeiger.
The promotion program undertaken by Zürich and its surroundings is a true example.
No less that two organisations are attempting to attract potential foreign clients: the Economic Center’s Promotion (Standortförderung) and Greater Zurich Area (GZA). At the Standortförderung, one suggests in particular the One-Stop- Shop program (OSS). According to Mr.
Rienert, the promotion tool’s project manager, “The OSS is a kind of round table and we coordinate all processes aiming to settle down in Zürich. In a large canton like ours, it is important to have a direct contact with the canton’s administration and its different services. We offer a logistical support for fiscal and administrative considerations as well as for the searching of premises”.
The political and economic circles seem to be speaking with a common voice in the Zürich area. The airline Swiss is proposing a new flight between Zürich and Saint-Petersburg inMarch 2008. Numerous Swiss companies have settled in the metropolis. “With the help of this new line, we are enlarging our offer on a fast growing market”, reads one of the company’s press releases. In the building industry, the Implenia group is presenting plans for two stadiums at Sotchi and intends to be trusted with the final project.
Russia and the Middle East also qualify as priorities. “We want to grow”, confides the group’s CEO Anton Affentranger to the daily paper Aargauer Zeitung. The opportunities for the building industry are considerable in the country: Renaissance Capital indeed estimates the investment in the infrastructure to be between 180 and 300 million over the next three years.
On their side, political powers offer a less united front. On the one hand, the Vekselberg case, which provoked some indignation, is causing the canton’s left wing to keep requesting legal motions.
On the other hand, the number of fixed taxations has never been higher. Even though Zürich stays well behind the leaders in fiscal gifts, the number of people benefiting from a fixed taxation in 2006 has doubled in comparison to the previous year. “Zürich offers a very advantageous economic environment”, notes Sonja Wollkopf from GZA, “ exceptions like the Vekselberg case haven’t prejudiced that situation”.
On the other hand, efforts are made to ease acces to Russian market for Swiss Businesses’. On November the 1st at the Swiss Stock market in Zurich was held the Swiss Russian Business Forum.
“Russia is better than its reputation” says Thomas Borer, former Swiss Ambassador and member of the board of Viktor Vekselbergs investment company Renova in his entry speech. Scepticism towards Russian partners is still a predominant attitude among Swiss SME’s. The organisers hope to change this attitude by using the Sochi Olympics 2014 to boost Swiss-Russian economic turnover and underline this with high positioned guests such as the CEO of the Sochi 2014 Organisation committee Dimitry Chernychenko.
Samuel Schmid, Business mir #9 - 2008-01  MAIL PRINT 
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