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bmir, Business mir #15 - 2010-01 MAIL PRINT 
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was in Switzerland on 22-23 September 2009 for the first official state visit a Russian Federation leader has ever paid to the Swiss nation. Despite a very busy programme, Dmitry Medvedev devoted some time to answering questions from the press, including one asked by our special correspondent.
According to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Russo-Swiss relations have good potential for development, as yet practically untapped. He sees new possibilities for expanding business partnerships – such as cooperation in industry, services, and tourism – as well as cultural ties, regional cooperation and general European cooperation.
Swiss officials have described Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s official visit as extremely important and even historic. The Russian head of state visited Switzerland shortly before a G20 Summit aimed at tightening regulations to prevent another major financial meltdown. He attended a news conference in Bern where he made several comments with regard to the upcoming meeting.
When asked by Business Mir correspondent Vladimir Katin about his views on the G20 forums, Mr Medvedev said, “I stand by my earlier statement that the G20 format is not ideal. But it is all we have for now. What do we expect from our meetings? Eventually, we hope to build a different method of financial relations.” “All countries, including those that are not part of the group and therefore will not be represented at the summit, expect us in our role as the G20 leaders to make effective decisions,” the Russian President added. “We need to work faster, so that all countries will be interested in the G20’s decisions and their implementation. Although we have already gathered a good momentum, we still need to come to an agreement on the reform of the global financial system more quickly,” the President said. “More difficulties may lie ahead,” he warned.
“Russian businesses are already taking advantage of the vast opportunities Switzerland offers,” President Medvedev said adding that, “It is only natural, as business tends to seek a comfortable environment for smooth operation. The challenge of modern Russia is to create such an environment here,” the Swiss media quoted him as saying.
A recent agreement on visa regulations between Russia and Switzerland is especially important in this regard. The agreement includes a simplified procedure for receiving single entry visas of less than three months, as well as multiple-entry visas for members of Russian official delegations, municipal officials and business leaders having regular contacts in Switzerland.


bmir, Business mir #15 - 2010-01  MAIL PRINT 
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