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BMIR # 7

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Russian Customs vs. BoNY
2008-05-15 09:29:14  On May 17, Russia’s Federal Customs Service sued Bank of New York (BoNY) in Moscow for $22.5bn of alleged loss resulting from BoNY’s involvement in laundering shadow imports in Russia in 1996-1999. According to the claim, a “group of Russian individuals and companies,” as a US court put it, continuously understated the value of imported goods to pay less duties and relied on BoNY for actual payments in the US. Last July, US courts indicted BoNY executives for fraud worth some $7bn. As the Russian customs officials seek to continue the inquiry formally closed in November 2005, some big names may yet emerge, causing embarrassment – at best – for individuals and companies whose involvement with BoNY in the 1990s helped them climb to the lists of Russia’s most wealthy and successful.

Big Deals In The Northern Capital
2008-05-07 08:46:28  11th St. Petersburg Economic Forum was attended by 120 top executives representing the world’s biggest companies. The total number of participants exceeded 6,000, including official delegations from over 60 countries. The official programme involved 2,500 people. This year’s event saw an unprecedented number of direct participants in discussions, said Economic Development and Trade Minister German Gref, adding that last year the number was 1,200.

A Confident Russia
2008-05-06 15:36:53  A review of the 11th Russian Economic Forum in St Petersburg.

Unexim is back as Mikhail Prokhorov sets up private innovation fund
2008-05-19 14:07:43  Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov announced on May 31st that assets he retained after a corporate divorce with his longtime partner and ally Vladimir Potanin would constitute a private innovation fund. Prokhorov has predicted bad times and low prices for nickel, where his interests used to be concentrated, and takes on hydrogen energy and nanotechnology instead.

“Russian market is now more dynamic and promising than many other markets”
2008-05-06 15:03:10  Every foreign trip by a head of state is definitely politics. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visits to Austria and Luxembourg were also a political act, but the business and, to a certain degree, pedagogic aspects prevailed this time.

2008-05-15 09:24:58  The potential for collaboration between Russian and European small businesses is enormous, but it’s a tough knot to tie; that’s why Opora has just opened a European bureau in Zurich.

2008-05-06 14:36:08  Sergei Borisov, Opora’s president, who is well known to this author and many others for his numerous public appearances, has always said small businesses have a bright future, whatever challenges lie ahead, and will successfully manage their growth. A very optimistic outlook, considering the not-so-bright present for the SMEs.
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Бизнес мир снова в деле!
2023-10-08 11:42:18 
Швейцария заняла 8-е место в глобальном рейтинге счастья
2023-03-20 16:26:30  В Международный день счастья, который по инициативе ООН отмечается 20 марта, были представлены результаты очередного Всемирного доклада о счастье (World Happiness Report).
С обертки шоколада Toblerone исчезнет гора Маттерхорн
2023-03-05 19:02:54  Из-за переноса части производства в Словакию корпорация Mondelēz уберет с упаковки шоколада Toblerone изображение швейцарской горы Маттерхорн.
Швейцария заняла 7-е место в Индексе восприятия коррупции
2023-01-31 16:13:21  В рейтинге, который составляет Transparency International, Швейцария по итогам 2022 года заняла 7-е место, набрав 82 балла из 100 возможных.
По знанию английского языка страны Восточной Европы обгоняют Швейцарию
2023-01-24 18:36:48  В общемировом рейтинге знания английского EF English Proficiency Index Швейцария набрала 563 очка, что ниже показателей Польши и Латвии.

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