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čt, 11.10.2018

Big Deals In The Northern Capital

FC NOVOSTI, Business mir #7 - 2007-07 MAIL PRINT 
11th St. Petersburg Economic Forum was attended by 120 top executives representing the world’s biggest companies. The total number of participants exceeded 6,000, including official delegations from over 60 countries. The official programme involved 2,500 people. This year’s event saw an unprecedented number of direct participants in discussions, said Economic Development and Trade Minister German Gref, adding that last year the number was 1,200.
Billion-dollar agreements
LUKoil and the government of Kalmykia signed a cooperation agreement. A $3bn gas processing facility with a capacity of 14bn cu m a year will use gas from North Caspian Sea fields. It may be located near the village of Artezian, the Chernye Zemli District, Kalmykia.
The Chechen Republic and Alliance Group signed cooperation agreements, under which the company will provide $50mn for the republic to finance the Healthcare priority national project. First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said he was positive the contracts would ensure real investment and not remain only on paper.
Vnesheconombank signed a cooperation agreement with the Voronezh Region administration.
The bank is now considering a $30mn project for a biodiesel plant in the region that is being carried out by Antoil-M.
The bank will later consider participating in some other investment projects in the region, including the construction of an oil refinery worth RUR7.5bn ($288.9mn, or €215.6mn) with a capacity of 5.1mn metric tons, the development of the Kazinskoye granite deposit with an annual capacity of 700,000 cu m and a required financing of RUR270mn ($10.4mn, or €7.76mn). It is the first agreement signed by the Development Bank.
PepsiCo and the Rostov Region administration signed an agreement on the construction of a chips plant at the St Petersburg Economic Forum on Saturday.
According to the National Agency for Direct Investment, which supports the deal, the company will invest $170mn in the plant that will produce 50,000 metric tons of chips a year. As was reported earlier, it will be PepsiCo’s 2nd chips plant in Russia.
GAZ Group and the Yaroslavl Region signed an agreement on social and economic partnership, under which GAZ will invest RUR11.5bn ($443mn, or €330.6mn) to develop diesel engine manufacturing.
“The Yaroslavl region is the core area where the leading diesel engine manufacturing capacities are concentrated,” Pyotr Zolotarev, the group’s chairman of the board, said at the signing ceremony. “We intend to develop cooperation with it.” The money will be used to launch production of the straight diesel engines GAZ developed together with an Austrian firm that comply with the Euro 4 environmental requirements.
RAO UES will invest over RUR42bn ($1.6bn, or €1.2bn) in new generating capacities in the Leningrad Region before the end of 2010. Total investment in the sector, including private capital, will amount to about RUR70bn ($2.7bn, or €2.01bn), in compliance with the cooperation agreement signed at the 11th St Petersburg Economic Forum by the electricity monopoly’s CEO, Anatoly Chubais, and the region’s governor, Valery Serdyukov.
Tatneft has completed the acquisition of an all-wire tyre production technology for Nizhnekamskshina from Germany’s Continental, the oil major’s CEO, Shafagat Takhautdinov, told the Interfax news agency during the St Petersburg Forum.
Under an agreement signed between Nizhnekamskshina and Continental, the German company sold its tyre production know-how to the Russian enterprise. It will also provide full technological support for the process, Takhautdinov said. However, the tyres will not carry Continental’s brand, he added.
SABMiller and the Ulyanovsk Region administration signed an investment agreement on the construction of a $170mn brewery in the Zavolzhsk District.
SABMiller had announced its plans to build a brewery and warehouses in the Ulyanovsk Region at the end of March.
The sum of investment was announced at the same time. The brewery will produce 3mn hectolitres of beer a year and is expected to create 300 jobs. It will offer the main of SABMiller’s beers. Production is expected to start in 2009. The new enterprise’s taxes may reach RUR600mn ($23.11mn, or €17.25mn) in 2010 and RUR800mn ($30.82mn, or €23mn) in 2012.
FC NOVOSTI, Business mir #7 - 2007-07  MAIL PRINT 
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