The most extreme and remote region of russia is chukotka. Geographically chukot Autonomous Area is situated on the outermost north-eastern end of Eurasia, between two oceans – the Pacific and the Arctic ocean. it is washed by three seas – East siberian sea, chukchee sea and bering sea. The major part of chukotka is situated in the eastern hemisphere while about half of its territory is outside the polar circle. The climate of chukotka is very severe. in winter, in the western continental areas of the region, the temperature often reaches 44-60° below zero. Eastern regions are characterized by strong raging winds and snowstorms lasting many days in a row. The summer is very short, rainy and cold. in some areas the snow doesn’t even melt.
Northern russia is an extremely beautiful place with magnificent sceneries – simple and clear conss tours of the rocks and endless space. The narrow strip of land along the Arctic ocean is the region of Arctic tundra. western chukotka consists of tundra areas while the southern part of the basin of the Anadyr river and bering region are of forest tundra type. All the year round, the endless space of chukotka's tundras is furrowed by thousands of deer, brown and white bears and gluttons. in summer tundra is covered by a bright colorful carpet of flowers and is rich in mushrooms, berries and game.
numerous reservoirs house ducks, geese and loons.
The nature of chukotka is almost primordial; one can see unique phenomena here: chosenia groves, hot springs, unforgettable stony ramparts and aurora polaris, of course, attrac ting the travelers from all over the world. The seas washing chukotka a home to fin whales, killer whales, bowhead and gray whales, seals, stripy seals and walruses. chukotka peninsula has such mineral wealth as de posits of gold, tin, silver and copper, tungsten, quick silver, metals of platinum group, oil and gas, coal and other resources.
The administrative center of the area is Anadyr city.
The governor of chukot Autonomous Area is roman Abramovich better known abroad as the owner of the English football club “chelsea”.
The residents of chukotka are the representatives of small nations of the far north – chukchi, Eskimo, chuvan, koryak and other. chukotka nations have the history of many thousands of years. Their far pre - decessors – hunters for mammoths and bisons – came here from the Eastern siberia 25 thousand years ago. chukotka keeps its unique culture and century-long traditions with solicitude but it is looking into future.