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Ludovic Chappex, Business mir #11 - 2007-06 MAIL PRINT 
To mark its 60th anniversary, the prancing-horse brand has launched a Ferrari 612 Scaglietti, Russian Edition.
In view of Ferrari’s growing success in Russia, and to mark its 60th anniversary, the Italian firm has launched a special edition of its 612 Scagliettimodel, renamed “612 Scaglietti, Russian Edition.” On the one hand, the 2+2 Gran Turismo coupé has kept its original 5,8 L V12 engine producing 540 CV at 7250 rpm. On the other hand, the passenger compartment has been given exclusive treatment, with brown leather seats and a carbon dashboard which are specific to this model. As for the doorsteps, they display a tablet representing the Russian flag.
The Russian Edition also offers the latest refined technology: a navigation system using voice recognition, a hands-free kit, and support for Bluetooth andMP3 format.
However, only five privileged persons will profit from this ultra-limited edition, as the quota of cars destined for the Russian market cannot be extended at will… Unfortunately, one could say, because demand has literally exploded over the last years. The Italian brand already doubled the quota last year, increasing it from 35 to 70 cars. “The demand from Russian customers is far greater than the offer, assures Massimo Gallotta, in charge of Ferrari’s Eastern European markets.
“If one relies uniquely on the criterion of purchasing power, we believe there are approximately one million potential customers in the region of Moscow alone”.
Last year, Ferrari sold 6,500 cars worldwide, a figure which has continued to grow these last years (5,650 cars were delivered in 2006). “We are close to our maximum production capacity," underlines Massimo Gallotta. "Ferrari doesn’t want to go beyond 8,000 cars a year.
As for the Russian market, we intend to increase deliveries to 100 cars a year over the next three years. The 612 Scaglietti remains our most exclusive model.
We only sell three hundred units a year world-wide, ten of which go to Russia”.
Before they get their Ferrari, the luckiest Russian customers must wait about a year. This can be longer if they -want customised work. “Some customers want a specific colour”, relates Massimo Gallotta, thus extending the delivery deadline by a couple of months. But when one truly loves something…
Ludovic Chappex, Business mir #11 - 2007-06  MAIL PRINT 
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