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bmir, Business mir #13 - 2009-03 MAIL PRINT 
Swiss Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey, head of Swiss foreign affairs, speaks with Business Mir in an exclusive interview about Swiss-Russian relations.
Switzerland is happy that bilateral relations with Russia have recently been developing very well. I’m thinking in this connection of the regular meetings at ministerial level and of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed in Moscow just under a year ago.
We can note with satisfaction that economic relations are also very good, and that the reciprocal links in this area are becoming stronger and stronger. Swiss firms continue to be successful in the Russian market and are making significant investments there, while Russian nationals are also investing substantial sums in Switzerland.
And how do you see them developing? I would draw your attention to the many common projects, for example in the area of research and education, and to the cultural agreement that was signed not long ago between Switzerland and Russia. I am certain that this multi-level dialogue between our two countries will be strengthened and extended.
What do you think of Russia’s role in the context of a unified European continent? Russia is an important partner for Europe. A rapprochement between Russia and the European Union contributes to promoting peace and stability in Europe, and that is in the interests of all the European countries, whether or not they are members of the EU. It’s a matter for the EU and Russia to define together the best way to bring about this rapprochement. It will therefore be interesting to follow the development and the outcome of the negotiations between Brussels and Moscow concerning the new framework agreement between the EU and Russia.
Can Switzerland, neutral and a nonmember of the EU, be useful to Russia in its dialogue with the other European partners? In January 2007 Switzerland and Russia started a dialogue about European policy.
This dialogue allows them to compare their respective approaches and different experiences with regard to the EU, with a view to strengthening the relations each has with the EU.
Every year the number of Russian tourists and business people coming to Switzerland increases significantly, and vice-versa. To what extent would it be possible to make it easier to obtain visas for such visits? Switzerland’s implementation of the Schengen agreement, planned for mid December, implies that our country will align itself with the EU’s policy regarding visas. Consequently, Switzerland is actively following developments in agreements negotiated between the EU and third-party countries about making it easier to get short-term visas. The Russian Federation and Switzerland are on the point of concluding negotiations on an agreement to facilitate short-term visas similar to the one Russia has already made with the EU. The simplifications cover the nature of the documents required for visa applications, the prices of visas, and the conditions for granting multiple-entry or long-term visas. These simplifications apply to various categories of applicants, notably business people.
Switzerland is well on the way to signing a free-trade agreement with Japan. Is it possible to envisage a similar agreement with Russia? Concerning the relations between the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) and Russia, a joint study group at ministerial level was created in December 2007 in order to examine possible ways to strengthen mutual relations with regard to trade and investment, and the feasibility of a free-trade agreement.
This joint study group has discussed all the matters typically covered by a wideranging free-trade agreement, including, for example, questions connected with making commercial relations easier.
Switzerland is in principle favourable to EFTA’s having a positive approach to a free-trade agreement with Russia.
With this in mind, will it be possible to make customs formalities between the two countries more flexible? It is in any case premature at this stage to define the details or the form of the content of possible future negotiations. It will all depend on what is decided at ministerial level concerning the following steps in the process.
Considering Russia’s huge size and the scale of Swiss investments in the country, does the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs intend to establish more consulates there? It is of course important that the extent of the network of consular relations correspond to the need, and that Switzerland’s representation in Russia be constantly under review.
If relations between Switzerland and Russia continue to strengthen at the present rate, then it would be perfectly possible to consider changes along the lines you mention.
So Bern intends to strengthen Switzerland’s economic presence in Russia? Bilateral economic ties between Switzerland and Russia have intensified over the last few years and will continue to become stronger. The Russian market is very attractive to Swiss firms.
Switzerland has steadily widened its presence in Russia in the course of the last few years. The commercial section of the Swiss Embassy has been considerably reinforced by the creation of a Swiss Business Hub, which acts as a point of entry for small- and medium-sized businesses interested in the Russian market. Further, Switzerland has opened a Consulate General in Saint Petersburg. The Switzerland-Russia Chamber of Commerce, a private institution that contributes to strengthening economic ties by organising various events as well as by providing certain services, has existed since 2002.
In July 2008 Switzerland signed an “Action Plan 2008/2011”, which defines the high priority fields of cooperation in the economic domain.
What do you think could be Switzerland’s role during this period of worldwide economic crisis, particularly with regard to non-European countries? Switzerland, as a major financial centre, envisages taking an active role in the future discussions on a new financial architecture. The country is committed to this within the appropriate international forums.
Switzerland has already taken some important steps to ensure financial stability.
In this context the Swiss National Bank has, in concert with the central banks of other nations, played a significant role by making liquidity available.
Is the Swiss Franc seen as having a special role? The Swiss Franc is considered to be a “safe currency” in difficult times, which is a sign of the confidence that the Swiss financial and economic establishment enjoys, and of its sound basis.
bmir, Business mir #13 - 2009-03  MAIL PRINT 
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