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Ludovic Chappex, Business mir #10 - 2008-04 MAIL PRINT 
Texas-based Aerion Corporation is working on a business jet capable of flying at Mach 1.6. The first customers have already reserved their aircraft, the unit price of which is 80 million dollars.
Since the Concorde airliner’s gallant last stand, on October 24, 2003, supersonic flights have been the exclusive privilege of fighter pilots. But not for much longer, according to managers of Texas-based Aerion Corporation. The American firm intends to commercialise a private jet able to fly at Mach 1.6 and cross the Atlantic in just over three hours.
Officially unveiled in October 2004, the Aerion SBJ (Supersonic Business Jet) project appears to have reached maturity.
After thousands of hours of computerbased simulation andmultiple wind-tunnel tests, the plane’s design is nearing its final shape. Now, only a manufacturer must be found. “We are discussing the matter with several candidates and hope to sign a contract by mid-2008”, Aerion assures. If this calendar is respected, the SBJ should be launched in 2014.
“As our project takes shape, more and more potential customers are showing interest, with growing demand from emerging markets such as Russia, China, India”, says Brian Barents, Aerion’s vice-president. ”We are now accepting letters of intent to order.” This costs future buyers 250,000 dollars - a trifle next to the breathtaking price for the plane itself: 80 million dollars (based on today’s rates), as much as for a fighter jet! By comparison, the negotiated price of a Boeing Business Jet (BBJ), a private version of the B-737 and the jewel of traditional business jets, is 35 million dollars.
Almost another world, in view of the generous space onboard the Boeing, whereas the SBJ’s capacity will not exceed 12 seats for a maximum inside width of 2 meters.
Aerion’s unbeatable argument: supersonic flight puts New York 4h15 away from Paris, compared to about 7h30 with today’s private jets. Businessmen simply can’t overlook this advantage.
According to market studies, requests for this type of aircraft could reach 250 to 300 units over the next ten years. But before signing the order form, be aware that aeronautical regulations set speed limits for civilian aircraft. In the United States’ for example, it is forbidden to fly faster than Mach 0.99. In other countries that follow the rules of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation), the top limit is Mach 1.15. Only in certain corridors, for example over Canada, Australia or Siberia, can pilots accelerate to full engine capacity.
In this context, Aerion emphasises the future jet’s versatility. “The aircraft’s ability to fly at subsonic as well as supersonic speeds guarantees great flexibility in its use, notably during mixed itineraries combining land and ocean routes”, a company press release explains. In addition, the costs arising from the use of this jet should not be higher than those for a classical jet, Aerion says.
Last but not least, autonomy at full speed – the former Concorde’s weak point – should exceed 4000 nautical miles, or more than 7400 kilometres.
Gerrit Basson, is Managing Director of ExecuJet Aviation Group.
This company, with headquarters in Zurich, represents Aerion Corporation outside the United States.
How many letters of intent to order have already been signed for the Aerion SBJ?
Since the Dubai air show, in last November, Aerion has received orders for over 20 aircraft, for a value exceeding 1,5 billion dollars. The requests are coming from different regions of the world, including Russia, where businessmen are showing huge interest in the SBJ.
Is it hard for Aerion to find a manufacturer? Which companies are interested in taking part in the project?
Aerion has had no problem finding esta-blished aircraft manufacturers interested in partnering in this program. Since the program started, Aerion has been in constant dialogue with a number of manufacturers, resulting in a short-list of candidates, one of which Aerion intends to select before the end of 2008.
Is 2014 still the launch date for the SBJ, or could commercialisation be delayed again?
Given Aerion’s reliance on the application of existing and proven technologies (engine etc.), and the fact that they have established performance criteria that match today’s aircraft certification performance envelopes, the 2014 target is not ambitious, and there is no reason why introduction would be delayed past that date. The Aerion SBJ will reach the market a good 2-3 years ahead of competition.
Ludovic Chappex, Business mir #10 - 2008-04  MAIL PRINT 
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