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čt, 11.10.2018

Dorit Probst-Sallis, head of the swiss-russian chamber of commerce, discusses the two countries growing ties.
Which economic sectors are currently the most promising in Russia?
The consumer goods, industrial and construction sectors.
In Russia, what businesses are the Swiss generally involved in?
The Swiss’ interests in Russia are primarily in light industry, agrobusiness and construction, particularly infrastructure.
Do you feel that the Swiss are deriving sufficient benefit from the potential that Russia represents?
.Russia has an immense supply of natural resources and the Swiss could be reaping more benefits from this. There’s also an efficient and skilled workforce on hand. Furthermore, outside of large urban zones such as Moscow and Saint Petersburg, production is very profitable.
Lastly, the emergence of a Russian middle class with higher salaries than ever before has created a market for more diverse products.
Could you give us a few examples of Swiss companies who havemade successful investments in Russia?
There are several recent examples. Three Swiss took over a dairy company in the Kaluga region south of Moscow and now supply the entire region with their produce.
Also, a couple from Fribourg set up a vineyard in Divnomorsk on the coast of the Black Sea. Their wine is sold in Moscow, where the wine market is booming,much like in Switzerland. They hope to soon expand to other markets.
Another example is the mutually beneficial partnership between Russia and the Moscow-based Swiss-Russian joint-venture Vorota, who specialize in garage door manufacturing. The Swiss company Normstahl AG exports the parts to Moscow where they are assembled and sold. In this manner, the Russian people can acquire quality garage doors at a price that reflects the domestic market for these goods.
What does the Swiss-Russian chamber of commerce have in store for the future?
The Swiss Invest Forum 2006 will take place in Zurich on the 12th and 13th of June. This year’s forum is focused on current interesting investment projects in emerging regions. Moscow and Saint Petersburg will take a backseat to regions such as the republic of Tatarstan and the Volga, which encompasses cities such as Nizhni-Novgorod, Samara and Saratov.
Economic players from these regions will be present and the business plans of successful foreign investors in these regions will be discussed.
During the first week in October, we will organize a business trip to the relevant areas so that potential Swiss investors canmeet local economic representatives.
The Swiss-Russian Business Summit will be held at the end of September in Moscow and Saint Petersburg., Business mir #1 - 2008-06  MAIL PRINT 
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