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BUSINESS MIR, Business mir #19 - 2011-06 MAIL PRINT 
Located on the border between French and German-speaking Switzerland, Fribourg Canton has been experiencing an economic boom over the past few years. Business Mir interviewed Beat Vonlanthen, Fribourg Canton's Minister for Economic Affairs and Employment, to discuss the factors driving the region's success.
Beat Vonlanthen, Fribourg Canton's Minister for Economic Affairs and Employment
Photo: Pierre Vaudan
Fribourg Canton is currently experiencing a remarkable developmental boom. What factors have contributed to this phenomenon?
Fribourg Canton is committed to our future and long-term prosperity through our fantastic combination of unparalleled advantages. These lie primarily in the canton's economic vitality and diversity, but the region's attributes also include our comprehensive network of high-quality research centres and academic institutions – with no less than 12,000 university and graduate students currently studying in Fribourg. As it has always been a bilingual canton, Fribourg has a tradition of being extremely broad-minded. Hence our many academic institutions, such as the Haute Ecole de Gestion, cooperate regularly with partners abroad. Fribourg Canton is also looking to develop its potential as a centre for innovative technology and is achieving this goal by implementing a variety of efficient strategies. For instance, a 100 million CHF endowment fund was used to create an institute for nanotechnology. In 2009, the Association of European Regions (AER) named Fribourg Canton as a model example in terms of nanotechnology. It should likewise be noted that a project to create a technological park is currently being developed on the site of what was previously the Cardinal Brewery. Fribourg also acts as a bridge between French and German-speaking Switzerland, boasting sustained population expansion. For several years, Fribourg has implemented a coherent economic policy that underscores its overall advantages and the region is thriving economically as a result. That likewise explains why internationally renowned companies such as Alcon, Bayer, Liebherr, Michelin and Verisign have established premises in Fribourg Canton. As Fribourg is very committed to sustainable development, we are particularly proud of the fact that Michelin is developing its new eco-car in partnership with Swatch and the Paul Scherrer Institute here in Givisiez.
What financial advantages does Fribourg Canton offer companies?
Companies generally appreciate the canton's extremely favourable economic environment and the easy access to our local authorities as well as its location, in close proximity to other businesses and institutes of higher learning. Another important factor is Fribourg's sizeable employment pool of highly qualified young workers. Furthermore, the canton has implemented a 'cluster' policy which allows existing businesses to create new companies and encourages other companies active in similar or complementary fields to establish offices in Fribourg. The canton also features an unrivalled standard of living and excellent infrastructure while providing all the advantages of urban living in close proximity to open countryside. It's just a 30- minute drive from the canton's capital to a lakeside beach or ski resort! Numerous food industry companies have also established premises in Gruyère. For example, Ladurée – the macaroon manufacturer – will be opening its factory there by the end of the year. It's also worth mentioning Fribourg's new “Chocolate University” in Broc. Nestlé is investing an additional 7 million CHF in the institute to make it a leading centre for cutting-edge research and development. The site is already attracting 250,000 tourists per annum. Gruyиre is well on the road to becoming the heart of a future “food and tourism” cluster! Furthermore, Fribourg is less costly than the Geneva and Bern regions. For example, the cost of living here is generally lower and a recently published study showed that real estate in Fribourg is 30%-40% less expensive than in the Geneva and Bern regions. Fribourg is also one of the few debt-free cantons in Switzerland. The canton's stable finances have allowed the government to regularly lower taxes over the past few years and the trend is expected to continue into the future.
What is Fribourg Canton's fiscal policy?
Under the current cantonal legislature, Fribourg's government has reduced taxes by 153 million CHF. The canton is particularly appealing to families as taxes on households have been reduced by over 140 million CHF over the past 10 years. The State Council emphasises Fribourg's attractiveness in terms of cost of living. Although local taxes may be a bit higher than the national average, several studies have shown that families in Fribourg end up better off once the canton's child subsidies are taken into account. Fribourg's government is nevertheless aiming to lower taxes even further in the coming years. The cantonal government will likewise be taking new measures to reduce taxes on businesses, thereby increasing Fribourg Canton's overall appeal.
What measures has Fribourg Canton taken to promote tourism in the region?
Fribourg Canton has the good fortune to possess abundant natural wonders as well as fabulously rich cultural traditions and historical heritage. Naturally, our long-established sustainable development programme includes the tourism sector. We recently designed a strategy of sustainable development for Fribourg's tourism industry called “Vision 2030”, which aims to develop eco-friendly tourism in the region. The strategy is based on developing tourism that capitalises on Fribourg Canton's natural beauty and cultural heritage by showcasing each local area's unique characteristics. However, we are equally active in promoting business-related tourism as exemplified by Forum Fribourg and Espace Gruyère, Fribourg's two conference and trade fair centres.
Has Fribourg ever been promoted in Russia as other Swiss cantons have? Are there any Russian companies in Fribourg at this point in time?
Since Fribourg joined the GGBA (Greater Geneva Bern Area) in 2010, we have had a full-time employee dedicated to the Russian marketplace who promotes the unique advantages that make the region such an ideal corporate location. Last year, that strategy managed to attract the interest of 2 Russian companies who subsequently came to tour the canton, meet with local partners as well as academic institutions and examine their companies' incentives for relocating to Fribourg. A third Russian company contacted most of the Swiss cantons through the Swiss Embassy in Moscow via the OSEC business network. The company in question ended up choosing Fribourg Canton over the other contenders and is currently in the first stages of establishing their business here. It's also worth noting that Fribourg has developed an extensive network of contacts with Russian regions in the AER (Assembly of European Regions), specifically Mordovija Region.
Bio-ur-nanotec SA R&D and manufacturing. (coating products, watch/medical industry)
Gainsbrook SA (Media Market Holding) e-commerce and logistics (fashion products)
Golodetz Finance Company SA Holding and financing company
Lada (Suisse) SA Motor vehicle import/export
Terra Financial & Management Services SA Financial services
BUSINESS MIR, Business mir #19 - 2011-06  MAIL PRINT 
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