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čt, 11.10.2018

“Trade volume between Italy and Russia increases 20% annually”

FC-Novosti, Business mir #8 - 2007-09 MAIL PRINT 
Rosario Alessandrello, head of Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce, speaks about his experiences in 20 year russian-european business relations.
Rosario Alessandrello, who had been heading the Italian- Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the last two decades, has been unanimously reelected as president at the General Assembly, which was held recently. In many respects, he is largely responsible for the progress that the Chamber of Commerce and industry has achieved. Mr. Alessandrello has played a major role in strengthening economic cooperation between Russia and Italy, as trade between the two countries has been increasing by an average annual rate of 20%.
During an interview with BM, Rosario Alessandrello stated:
“For over 40 years, the Russian- Italian chamber of Commerce and Industry has proved to be an efficient tool for Italian businessmen to promote their goods and services in the Russian market. At the same time, it provides efficient support to Russian business circles interested in cooperation with Italy. The Chamber’s role is reflected in the bilateral intergovernmental agreements concluded between our two countries. The Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce actively participates in working out and coordinating the general cooperation concept. It constantly keeps in touch with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and its local branches. Last year, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation signed the mutual Memorandum of Understanding.
This document contains a number of important positions calling to considerably facilitate mutual cooperation. In particular, it focuses on the creation of a uniform database for both Italian and Russian firms interested in the realization of joint projects. The authority of the Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and industry is also ensured by the fact that it is often consulted by Swiss businessmen working in the Ticino canton.
According to Rosario Alessandrello, the growing interest towards Russia in Italian business circles is proof of the impressive results obtained by the Russian economy in the last few years.
“First of all, Alessandrello noted, I would like to point out the tremendous progress made by Russia in the sphere of international finance. We are talking above all about pre-schedule repayments of debts to the members of the Paris Club and the increase of Russia’s Standard and Poor’s rating. It is worth mentioning that since 2006, investment projects not only obtained state support, but can also count on the support of the established Investment Fund.
Russia is actively gaining experience in the establishment of industrial districts. The formation of Special Economic Zones aiming to create favorable conditions for the attraction of capital investment has begun. All this makes Russia increasingly attractive for foreign and, in particular, Italian business. It is therefore no coincidence that Italy has become Russia’s second commercial partner among EU countries.”
Along with these achievements, R. Alessandrello mentions a number of difficulties which often interfere with business dialogue.
“The problems we face are common ones”, Alessandrello noted. “They have mainly to do with excessive bureaucracy and centralization of decisionmaking, which notably concern newly-created Special Economic Zones. For example, the representatives of Indesit working in the Lipetsk area repeatedly complained about the absence of clearness in the definition of fiscal status of the resident-enterprises in local Special Economic Zones and the lack of information concerning the customs in these Zones. To this day, there are no rules or laws in Russia regulating these activities.
There is also often different interpretation of laws at Federal and local levels, which poses a problem for business, the latter which can only be conducted properly in a clear legal structure. The frequent problems encountered at customs are also worth mentioning.
Despite these difficulties, I am sure that by joint efforts made in the course of open dialogue, all these problems can be overcome, as both countries strive towards development of a fruitful and multilateral cooperation.
Qualified managers and Human Resources personnel should play an important role in reaching this common goal.
In this respect, Italy’s experience in this particular area will be a precious asset for Russia. The Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is ready to play an active role in achieving those synergies”.
FC-Novosti, Business mir #8 - 2007-09  MAIL PRINT 
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